A very good 2024 season

As early as May, the first indicators were already announcing a good season with long weekends that worked very well and events linked to the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

The Cotentin is doing well compared to the results of certain territories.

The clientele is identical to that of 2023: 74% French and 26% international (United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands).

However, to date, we have noted a slight drop in attendance compared to 2023, which remains our record year. The Cotentin is returning to an attendance rate identical to that of 2022, which was a very good season.

The season started later this year: July 21 instead of July 14, in particular due to the unforeseen elections and the absence of a July 14 bank holiday. Generally speaking, departure rates in France remain stable over the summer as a whole compared to 2023: 65% of French people went on vacation or weekends in July and August, down two points compared to last year. The share of French people who remained in the country remains stable compared to 2023 (88% versus 89%).

May 1 – August 31nightsExcursionists

On the professional side

The feeling is satisfactory for 80% of professionals.

It is worth noting the good attendance figures for the major sites in the Cotentin, such as the Airborne Museum, which increased by 17% with 230 visitors, or La Cité de la Mer, which had its second best season since its creation with 000 visitors in the summer. The feeling is also positive for Tatihou Island and the Ludiver Planetarium.

The catering industry suffered overall in July with a -35% turnover drop, but August was stable compared to 2023. Purchasing power and the weather mainly had a negative impact on the number of people visiting establishments.

The tourist development of Cotentin continues its momentum

The work on the development of seasonal wings, in collaboration with local stakeholders, continues to bear fruit. Indeed, attendance in September is also expected to be good for 85% of professionals.

In 2025, the Cotentin Unique brand will be relaunched with a reinforced communication budget to develop the reputation of the Cotentin and continue to attract visitors looking for authenticity and wide open spaces, particularly via web marketing levers.

“Meetings in Cotentin” – a meeting of tourism professionals

As part of the actions to be carried out with local service providers and at the invitation of the Cotentin Tourist Office, 39 French and 11 foreign travel agencies responded to this meeting of tourism professionals.

40 tourist service providers from Cotentin will be present to showcase the best of the group offering in Cotentin: sites, activities, local producers.

This event promoting the Cotentin tourist offer, aimed at professional, business and leisure customers, consists of uniting, supporting a dynamic network of local tourism players and generating contracts!

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