Your entry ticket to the Normandy Victory Museum gives you access to a journey through around thirty hyper-realistic scenes (including some with sound) which tell the story of the battle of the hedges and the daily lives of soldiers and civilians in the weeks following the landing in Normandy. You will also be able to admire more than 15 authentic objects.
Ticket refundable and modifiable up to the day before your arrival.
Ticket refundable and modifiable up to the day before your arrival.
Linked offers
Billet plein tarif non daté
From 9,90 € / adult
Billet d’entrée daté (remboursable, modifiable)
From 9,90 € / adult
FORFAIT FAMILLE – 2 adultes + 2 à 4 enfants (Remboursable, modifiable)
From 30 € / adult
Billet d’entrée groupe (Remboursable, modifiable)
From 8 € / adult
Le secret des 3 bunkers
From 30 € / adult