1h 10mn

Le Docteur Miracle – Orchestre Régional de Normandie – Opérette – Dimanche 2 Mars 2025

Cotentin Urban Community
The Piles
– 1, Fosse alley
Consultations are open! But who is this eccentric doctor with dubious cooking skills? It's up to you to discover him in this little gem that Bizet composed when he was only nineteen years old. Amorous intrigue, farce and disguise are the ingredients of this charming pocket opera. The music is exquisite from start to finish, right up to the famous "omelette quartet". It was probably the rivalry with the young Lecoq that stung Bizet to the quick. In 1857, both entered a competition organized by Offenbach. They finished joint first. The Palazzetto Bru Zane takes us on this recreational operetta showing that Bizet, one hundred and fifty years after his death, continues to surprise us.

Georges Bizet – The Miracle Doctor

Operetta in one act – Libretto by Léon Battu and Ludovic Halévy

Created in Paris in 1857

Cast:Musical direction Alphonse CeminDirection, sets, costumes Pierre LebonLights Bertrand KillySilvio / Pasquin / The Miracle Doctor Sahy Ratia Laurette Sheva TehovalThe Podestà of Padua Florent KarrerVéronique Marie KalinineThe assistant / the Valet Pierre LebonRegional Orchestra of Normandy

For all

Online booking and payment recommended.

10€/full price and 5€/reduced price. 

Ticket office open Tuesday and Thursday from 14 p.m. to 17 p.m. on 02 33 03 10 30.

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