Argan, a widower, married Béline, who pretends to be caring, but is in reality only waiting for her husband to die to inherit. He has bloodlettings and purges done and takes all sorts of remedies, prescribed by dishonest doctors, more concerned with pleasing their patients than with helping to improve their health. Angélique, his eldest daughter, loves Cléante, which upsets Argan, who would prefer to see her marry Thomas Diafoirus, himself a doctor. To get them out of trouble, Toinette will come up with schemes to make their union possible and to make sincere love triumph.
Directed by Juliette Héringer
Aude the Younger
Charles Lemâle
Jean Pierre Morice
Charline Porrone / Clémence Solignac (alternating)
Show hosted as part of the Villes en Scène program.
For students over the age of 10
Online booking and payment recommended. €9/adult and €4/child (4 to 16 years old), student, job seeker, RSA beneficiary, upon presentation of proof. Ticket office open Tuesday and Thursday from 14 p.m. to 17 p.m. on 02 33 03 10 30.
Directed by Juliette Héringer
Aude the Younger
Charles Lemâle
Jean Pierre Morice
Charline Porrone / Clémence Solignac (alternating)
Show hosted as part of the Villes en Scène program.
For students over the age of 10
Online booking and payment recommended. €9/adult and €4/child (4 to 16 years old), student, job seeker, RSA beneficiary, upon presentation of proof. Ticket office open Tuesday and Thursday from 14 p.m. to 17 p.m. on 02 33 03 10 30.