Created in 1972, the Bohons hunting and wildlife reserve covers 265 hectares of wet and peat meadows. Due to its characteristics, the reserve is listed in the inventory of Natural Areas of Ecological, Floristic and Faunistic Interest (ZNIEFF) of the Cotentin and Bessin marshes. Included in the territory of the Cotentin and Bessin Marsh Regional Natural Park, it is also recognized on a European scale by being classified as a Zone of Interest for the Conservation of Birds (ZICO) as well as a Special Protection Zone (ZPS) thus participating in the Natura 2000 network. Finally, the site is listed on the RAMSAR convention aiming at the conservation and rational use of wetlands. In winter, an average of 5 anatidae and waders are present on the site with, each year, a majority of Green-winged Teal. Over the seasons, wintering birds give way to nesting birds from the marsh in the spring. Indeed, Eurasian Curlews, Northern Lapwings, Garganeys and many other species find refuge in this peaceful place to reproduce. In terms of agricultural management, extensive grazing is in place on the reserve with 000 NewForest horses with feeding in the winter period and then biennial mowing is carried out on the entire reserve. Outing proposed by the Fédération des chasseurs de la Manche as part of the "A tire d'aile" Festival.
Bring boots, suitable clothing and binoculars.
Bring boots, suitable clothing and binoculars.