Discover the natural splendor of the Cotentin through our inspiring selection of pages dedicated to nature.
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Immerse yourself in the cultural heritage of Cotentin with our selection, offering an authentic experience of the hidden riches of Cotentin.
Not to be missed
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Heritage and history
outdoor sports
Explore the outdoor horizons in Cotentin through our selection of activities inviting you to experience unforgettable outdoor adventures.
How to end the day by enjoying a lively and friendly evening, the Cotentin will welcome you with open arms!
shopping and relaxation
Explore the authentic charm of Cotentin through our selection of shopping and outings, inviting you to discover unique addresses and captivating activities for an unforgettable local experience.
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La Balade Gourmande : 1h45 de découverte 100% nature
- Agon Coutainville
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