Festival, Discovery
Sunday February 16 at 09:30 p.m.

Les relations étroites entre les oiseaux migrateurs et les baies sauvages

Many birds in Europe feed on wild berries, more precisely on drupe berries and other fleshy and/or pulpy fruits that grow on trees, shrubs or vines. Between birds and plants, the relationships are close and reciprocal: the consumption of berries contributes to the food of some, such as blackbirds, thrushes, the blackcap, tits or finches, and to the dissemination of others. We will wander through sunken paths (hunts) and little-used municipal roads. Tasting of herbal tea at the end of the walk.
Outing accompanied by Jocelyn Desmares from the Norman Ornithological Group as part of the “À tire d'aile” festival.
Reservation required online, by phone or by email.


  • Festival
  • Discovery


All dates and times

Opening hours on February 16, 2025
SundayOpen from 09:30 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Admission fees

Free for all

Regional Natural Park of the Cotentin and Bessin Marshes

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