Live Drama
Saturday, October 12 at 20 a.m.

Théâtre : "Le Nez au Vent"

– Place de l’Abbé de Saint-Pierre
· René Clot Hall / The Great Halls
From Bouillonnate

Not ordinary! An artist joins the public by bike.

Charlotte rides a bike. Miles and miles swallowed up in the French countryside. From her "Tour de France", she tells the story of her adventure: the childhood joy of swallowing air while riding, the encounters on the stony road, the departmental road where cars drive too fast, or even the hammock between two trees at night.

On stage, she takes a designer with her charcoals on her journey. Through the words, she reveals, on a long fresco, the landscapes and sensations of a life-size travel diary. By choosing to move slowly, Charlotte Tessier reinvents her way of creating and sharing... by pedaling. She tells the story of a journey she has experienced, with its ups and downs, its moments of doubt, joy and, upon arrival, the bags full of words that she has recorded, from journey to journey.

From 9 years
Duration: 1 hour


  • Live Drama

All dates and times

Opening hours on October 12, 2024
SaturdayOpen from 20 a.m. to 21 p.m.

Admission fees

Admission feesMin.Max.
Basic rate
8 €-
The Trident, national stage of Cherbourg-en-Cotentin
From 8 € /adult

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