Departing from Jamaica after its season in the Caribbean, the liner AIDALuna was scheduled to stop at the Quai de France in Cherbourg on Monday March 11 from 08:00 a.m. to 20:00 p.m. for the very first time. After crossing the Atlantic, the approximately 1 passengers, mainly German, had to set foot on French soil for the one and only stopover of their itinerary in the Cotentin.

Unfortunately, and due to bad weather conditions, the ship AIDALuna must change the end of its itinerary and will not be able to make a stopover at either Cherbourg or Dover and plans to dock at the port of Hamburg on Thursday March 14 as planned.

Boat features

THEAIDALuna was delivered to her owner Aida Kreuzfahrten on March 16, 2009 before beginning her maiden voyage on March 22 of the same year. It is one of the most " globetrotters » of the German company's fleet with varied destinations such as North America, the Caribbean and even Greenland.  © Liners & Merchant Marine Association

  • Length: 252 m
  • Capacity: up to 2 passengers
  • Crew: up to 607 people
  • Flag: Italy (Genoa)
  • Nationality on board (majority): German

Maritime agent : Humann & Taconet                                          Tour operator : BLB Cruises & Shorex

Directions (from February 18 to March 14, 2024)

Montego Bay > Port Limon > Colón > Cartagena (Colombia) > La Romana > Santa Barbara de Samaná > Tortola > Basseterre St Kitts > Philipsburg > Ponta Delgada > Praia de Vitória > Lisbon (replaces La Coruña) > Cherbourg > Dover > Hamburg.

To find out everything about the arrival of liners in 2024

2024 cruise stopovers in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin

2024 cruise stopovers in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin


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