Tourist season: Cotentin has managed to seduce despite the crisis

Due to the epidemic linked to COVID-19, the tourist season will have been particular and complicated for tourism professionals who will have had to deal with the absence of reservations for groups or major events organized in the region.
Nevertheless, in this unique context, Cotentin was able to highlight its strengths and stand out from the crowd.

Encouraging attendance

Very worried in the spring, professionals saw tourist activity gradually pick up from May and June. Attendance is described as encouraging despite a virtual absence of foreign customers given the health context.

The economic survey carried out by Normandie Tourisme and Latitude Manche for Cotentin among professionals in the sector from June to September shows that:

  • 49% of them believe that overall attendance for the 2020 season was good;
  • 66% of tourism stakeholders are rather satisfied with the season in view of the health circumstances.

Under favorable weather, the wide open spaces and the Cotentin coastline have attracted tourists and vacationers, notably with a diverse range of nature and outdoor activities.

Consult our 2020 season report

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