Published May 03 2019
Reading time: 3 min.

Successful return to CKMNC!
The Club welcomed no fewer than 56 people this Saturday, October 5. The objective? Allow you to acquire the essential gestures and reflexes during an incident, however minor, at sea in order to always remain in controlled safety. If you are hesitant about participating in the next session, here are some questions/answers that may help you decide!
Why do this day beginning of October ? Is the water not cold?
Well no. Temperature variations of such large bodies of water occur with a lot of inertia. We are still at water temperatures very close to those of summer. And with the air temperature dropping, we're almost better in the water!
Is it obligatory to practice paddling activities all year round?
No, but it is in any case very useful. You leave with an advantage with the instructors who will then supervise you all year round. They then know that you will master the first reflexes in the event of desalination, waiting positions and group safety... Collective safety, that of the group on the water, depends on individual safety.
56 people is a lot! No ?
Yes, we were surprised by the participation of the members. However, it was a successful mission because one of the objectives was also to bring club regulars and newcomers together. In terms of implementation, we worked in groups of approximately 10 people, each under the responsibility of a volunteer or professional instructor and 2 instructor assistants in training.
This must create blockages in the water?
It could yes, but the sea is big. We shared the water with a seal fishing in the morning near the port of Becquet. In the afternoon, we met a slightly less playful fisherman at the Collignon pass. Otherwise, these are usual users (fishermen, light sails, etc.) and the Homet lookout is informed of the start and end of the exercises.
The Collignon pass! Isn't that too dangerous?
Yes and no ! it is a passage to enter the great harbor. Suffice it to say that this is one of our regular playgrounds. It is essential to master the entry and exit of the current, to work on its passage and to have the appropriate reflexes in the event of a bath.
A reasonable, reasoned and green activity on a blue playground! And if you missed this day, don't panic, the themes will be covered throughout the year.
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