The Cotentin Tourist Development SPL aims to strengthen its team by recruiting a Cycling Development Officer (M/F)

Missions : in conjunction with players in the sector, local authorities, the services of the Tourist Office, the Agglomeration, the Department, you ensure:

  • the creation and management of a network on the bicycle theme in order to understand everyone's policies in this area, to coordinate actions on the ground and to carry out the necessary consultations for the continuity of connections between territories,
  • the implementation of the action plan resulting from the Hiking Development Plan by establishing an inventory of cycle-tourism practices in the Cotentin, the itineraries as well as the inventory of the developments to be carried out, the needs in signage to be reinforced... to optimize the practice and support stakeholders in the creation of new routes,
  • the promotion of cycle tourism in the Cotentin by providing your knowledge of the circuits (description, GPS tracks, etc.) in the paper and digital communication media of the Tourist Office, by contributing your expertise with the other services of the Office of Tourism for the promotion, marketing of the destination and the recognition of Cotentin as an area conducive to hosting cycling-related events.
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