Having a mechanical problem on your bike far from home, without having what you need to repair it, is particularly annoying, and yet it happens to a lot of people.

To try to overcome this type of disappointment,The offices of the Cotentin Tourist Office are now equipped with a bike kit consisting of essential tools to carry out simple repairs, in the event of a breakdown, and continue your bike ride in the best possible conditions.

This kit is available to cyclists in the offices of Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, Barfleur, Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue, Quettehou, Quinéville, Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte, Bricquebec-en-Cotentin, Valognes, Goury, Barneville-Carteret and Portbail-sur-Mer.

This approach is part of the Accueil Vélo Label which guarantees services adapted to visitors cycling along structured cycle routes, cycle routes and greenways.

This label can be provided by six categories of service providers: accommodation providers, tourist offices, bicycle rental companies, bicycle repairers, visiting and leisure sites and restaurateurs.

6 Tourist Information Offices of the Cotentin Tourist Office are already labeled (Barfleur, Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue, Quinéville, Bricquebec-en-Cotentin, Cherbourg-en-Cotentin and Portbail-sur-Mer).

This number will change taking into account future developments planned to encourage cycling.

For more information, see the France Vélo Tourisme website, section: Home Cycling

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