The AIDACosma liner will make its second stopover in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, this Tuesday March 8, 2022 at the Quai de France, from 8:00 a.m. to 19:00 p.m.

The services provided by the Cruise Service are gradually resuming. In fact, in addition to the shuttle service, offered in collaboration with Cap Cotentin, this second stopover of the AIDACosma will mark the return of Cruise Greeters!

The AlDACosma liner, whose name refers to the immensity of the escape and symbolizes the countless possibilities for entertainment on board, will be in Cherbourg again this Tuesday March 8, 2022. It will remain docked at the Quai de France from 08 a.m. to 19 p.m.
On board there will be nearly 3000 passengers, mainly Germans.
The AI ​​DA Cruises Company will allow its cruise passengers to go on excursions and enjoy the city center of Cherbourg during the day.
Prototype of the Helios class, the AlDACosma is the second of this type after its sister ship the AlDANova, launched in 2018. It is equipped with a LNG propulsion system, a dual power system considered one of the most ecological in the world which combines natural gas and traditional fuel oil. This one was built by the Meyer Werft shipyard in Papenburg in Germany and made its maiden voyage last February.

Boat features

  • Length: 337 m
  • Accommodation capacity: up to 5 passengers and up to 200 crew personnel
  • Flag: Italy
  • Nationality on board (majority): German

Directions : Hamburg – Southampton – CHERBOURG – Zeebrugge – Rotterdam – Hamburg.

Excursions offered on board

The Shipping Agent is Humann & Taconnet. Excursions will be provided by the tour operator BLB. Full day at Mont-Saint-Michel and half-day in Val de Saire and Cap de la Hague, in Cherbourg and at Château des Ravalet, as well as a tasting tour of local products.

Passengers will be able to benefit from the services set up by the Cotentin Tourist Office

The Information Office will be open at the Cruise Terminal from 8:00 p.m. to 18:30 p.m.
A shuttle service will be set up from 10:00 a.m. to 18:00 p.m. to connect the terminal to the city center in partnership with Cap Cotentin

2022 stopovers

2022 cruise stopovers in Cherbourg in Cotentin

2022 cruise stopovers in Cherbourg in Cotentin


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