The AIDAprima liner will make its inaugural stopover, Monday November 1, at Quai de France, from 9:30 a.m. to 21 p.m. at the port of Cherbourg.

Monday 1er November from 9:30 a.m. to 21 p.m., the AIDAPrima from the German company AIDA Cruises, drops anchor for its inaugural stopover at the port of Cherbourg-en-Cotentin with German passengers on board, the vast majority of them.

Great first for Cotentin!

This stopover is intended to be weekly. In fact, every Monday, the ship the AIDA company will be docked, in theory, until mid-April 2022.

Prototype of the Hyperion class, theAIDAprima was built at the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries shipyard in Nagasaki, which will deliver the ship at the end of April 2016, one year late. The liner presents numerous technical innovations, notably the MALS (Mitsubishi Air Lubrication System), which expels air over a large surface area under the hull, allowing a fuel saving of around 7%. The engines are the first of their kind to be installed on an ocean liner, using diesel and gas. @Ammlehavre

AIDAprima ©Mickael Baucheron

Boat features

  • Length: 300 m
  • Capacity: up to 3500 people
  • Crews: up to 900 people
  • Flag: Italy

Nationality on board (majority): German


Hamburg – CHERBURG* – Le Havre – Zeebrugge – Rotterdam – Hamburg.
*The originally scheduled call at the port of Southampton has been replaced.

Excursions offered on board

The Shipping Agent will be Humann & Taconnet.
Excursions are provided by BLB. Suggested day or half-day excursions: Mont Saint-Michel, Bayeux, Cherbourg, Val de Saire and Cap de la Hague

Passengers will be able to benefit from the services set up by the Cotentin Tourist Office

Information Desk will be open at the Cruise Terminal from 9:30 a.m. to 14:15 p.m.


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