For its last scheduled stopover of the year and 7e coming to the port of Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, the great regular Ventura, from the P&O Cruises company, closes the week and month of October for cruise ship arrivals! Freshly boarded the day before in Southampton, the 3 mainly British passengers will begin their itinerary with our beautiful Cotentin destination, this Sunday October 300 from 22:08 a.m. to 00:19 p.m.

The next and last stopover, scheduled for the year, will take place on Wednesday December 6 with the AIDAnova.

Boat features

Having become very popular in the UK market, VENTURA is based in Southampton for most of the year. Her godmother is Dame Helen Mirren, actress who played Queen Elizabeth II in the film “ The Queen » and that été ennobled shortly later. © Liners & Merchant Marine Association

  • Length: 289 m
  • Capacity: up to 3 passengers
  • Crew: up to 1 people
  • Flag: Bermuda
  • Nationality on board (majority): British

Maritime agent : Humann & Taconet                                                    Tour operator : Intercruises

Directions (from October 21 to 28, 2023)

Southampton – Cherbourg – Porto – Lisbon – Vigo – Southampton.

Excursions and services offered during the stopover in Cherbourg :

  • The excursions will have as their destination Mont Saint-Michel, the landing beaches, Bayeux and its tapestry, the Val de Saire and Cap de la Hague.
  • Services offered:
    • Tourist Information Office at the Cruise Terminal open from 08 a.m. to 00 p.m.;
    • Arrival of a representative from La Cité de la Mer in the morning;
    • Photo exhibition entitled “Treasures and lights of Cotentin” by Arnaud Guérin;
    • Shuttle service providing the connection between the Cruise Terminal and the city center, set up by Kennedy Services, from 08:30 a.m. to 18:00 p.m.

Stopover program 2023

2023 cruise stopovers in Cherbourg in Cotentin

2023 cruise stopovers in Cherbourg in Cotentin


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