Two inseparable notions, ultimately. Because the Cotentin and its delights are intimately linked and connected to the elements, to the sea spray, to the sea, to the earth, to the sand, to the marshes, to the climate, to the taste of salt, to the rays of the sun, to the tides.

With landscapes unique by nature, shaped, raw, sometimes untouched by any construction.

So, shellfish, crustaceans, line fish, cows, goats, winter vegetables, apples, wild blackberries... find their corner of paradise here to flourish and offer gourmets and contemplatives, lovers of the land, a culinary range of 'exception.

The large-format exhibition, “Cotentin, what a delight!” » takes a look at all the best that the territory has.

Authentic and typical products, from breeding, agriculture, fishing are enhanced by still lifes as beautiful as master paintings, almost imaginary landscapes, bathed in exceptional light, and learning and enjoyable texts. .

A timeless stroll, to be enjoyed without moderation!

Alice Bertrand

Originally from the Vosges, settled in Brocéliande (Brittany), Alice Bertrand set her sights on the Cotentin and fell in love with it.
After higher education in biology, Alice was destined for a career in agronomy. His passion and talent for photography decided otherwise. She spends time surveying the territories she photographs to capture the right moment, the sincerity and the emotions of “real” moments.
His “raw” and “unfiltered” images, appreciated for the strength and authenticity they exude, are regularly published in the press, in communications and in publishing throughout France. The look she has had over the Cotentin for several years allows her to reveal all the emotion and authenticity of this wild and natural territory. Author at Big Red One publishing house (Saint-Lô), she participated in the production of several works on the Cotentin including Cotentissime! (2017) and Road Trip on the Cotentin coast (2019).

Amandine Lhyver

This young photographer and stylist based near Lorient has developed a passion for Cotentin products. His inspirations? The nature that surrounds him, his great-grandmother and grandmothers – excellent cooks –, old recipe books, botany and especially the Flemish painting of Rembrandt or Caravaggio which inspire the chiaroscuros of his images of great aesthetic force.
Her images regularly appear in the most fashionable culinary magazines in France and internationally such as Youfood, Mint Magazine, Home, Grain Magazine and SisterMag, while the largest Champagne houses (Pommery, Vranken) call on her to enhance their best vintages. Through this exhibition, Amandine sublimates the most unique and emblematic products of Cotentin in real paintings with soft atmospheres, frozen moments outside of time which call for more slowness and to appreciate the little things of everyday life.

Stéphanie Grésille

An inexhaustible source of inspiration, Cotentin, his native land, is also and above all his heartland. After Paris, Brussels and Nantes, Stéphanie Grésille chose to return, because here, she likes to meet people, explore the landscapes, always on the move, feel the sea all around, discover the know-how and the riches of the peninsula. Author and/or editorial coordinator, (Flight over the Cotentin peninsula, Flight over Mont-Saint-Michel, A sweet madness, Jazz under the apple trees, the illustrated primer at Big Red One Editions , Place au tour chez Orep, Une vie entre les guerres, Les Essencielles), in 2022 she signed her first novel The Sound of Boats, spotted by the local and Parisian press. The texts from the Cotentin exhibition, what a delight! link the typicality of products to the environment, two inseparable notions.

This exhibition imagined and produced by Editions Big Red One in Saint-Lô, foreshadows the release of the book Cotentin what a delight! to be published in 2023.

Every year, the Cotentin offers an exhibition of large format photographs in different places in the region, outdoors, bilingual, free and accessible to all. It is around Cherbourg to host the exhibition in parallel with the Cherbourgeoise bites, where gastronomy is in the spotlight.

After the exhibition Gustave Bazire, Détours en Cotentin in 2019, Arnaud Guerin, Trésors et Lumières du Cotentin in 2021, the Cotentin Tourist Office invites you to discover Le Cotentin, Quel Délice!

Les Pieux inaugurates this new traveling exhibition and invites you to walk along the route de la Roche à coucou, an essential walking route in the town. Over nearly 2,5 km, there are fifty large format photographs highlighting the iconic and unique products of the Cotentin region.

The Cotentin, what a delight! will also be offered throughout 2022, in Bricquebec-en-Cotentin, Barneville-Carteret, Sainte-Mère-Eglise, Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, Valognes and Saint-Pierre-Eglise.

• Les Pieux, La Roche à Coucou – May 16 – June 17
• Bricquebec-en-Cotentin – Place des Buttes – June 18 – July 18
• Barneville-Carteret – Promenade du Petit Port – July 19 – August 18
• Sainte-Mère-Église – August 22 – September 15
• Cherbourg-en-Cotentin – rue Vastel and on Place Hébert (in front of the Eléis) – September 16 – October 16
• Valognes – Place du Château – October 17 – November 13
• Saint-Pierre-Église – 9 rue de la Boularderie – November 14 – December 15

At each inauguration, mediation and awareness workshops on culinary heritage will be organized on the market with the “Curio'cité” stand run by the heritage service of the tourism, water sports and attractiveness department and the Territorial Food Project service of the Cotentin Agglomeration as well as the sorting ambassadors .
These creative workshops are free and are aimed at the whole family.

Market time meetings:
• The Pious – 20/05
• Bricquebec-en-Cotentin – 20/06
• Barneville-Carteret – 21/07
• Sainte-Mère-Eglise –25/08
• Valognes – 21/10
• Saint-Pierre-Eglise –16/11

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