Jean Leparmentier is a native of the country, the child of a lighthouse keeper. At ninety and beyond, his images of times before remain intact.

In what year did your family arrive at the Carteret lighthouse?

November 16, 1942, in full Occupation. We came from Le Havre, where my father was the keeper of the Hève lighthouse but faced with intense bombing, he preferred to come to Cotentin in the hope of sheltering his family.

What relationship do you have with the sea?

I spent my entire career in the French Navy, assigned to fleet maintenance workshops,

However, I suffered from seasickness all my life! When I accompanied my father fishing, I looked forward to seeing my mother waving the white fabric at the top of the lighthouse, a sign that we had to go home.

What vivid memories of your “lighthouse keeper” father come to mind?

It was hard work. He took care of the maintenance and of course the infallible operation of the glow. I have three memories in mind. My father's demand that the shutters never be closed. From his bedroom window he could see the ray of the lantern passing at any hour of the night. I also remember his nickname: Mr. Mirror. In the summer, he organized tours. He asked tourists not to touch the prisms but the visitors couldn't help themselves. My father then constantly passed and ironed his cloth.

And then, I was marked by his notebooks. He noted everything that could be useful to inform the Cherbourg base. On March 23, 1943, he indicated that we were forced to leave the place, by order of the Germans. We returned there in September 1945…

And your personal memories?

First of all, the long steep path that separated me from the school. I remember that night, moonless and starless. We saw dozens of migratory birds fall. Attracted by the light, they circled around the lighthouse until they were exhausted. My father then had lenses installed at the foot of the building. This other source of light provided a diversion.

What is your favorite corner of Cotentin?

My parents were from Auderville, my father kept the Goury lighthouse, where I was born. I then lived my life as a man and father in Cherbourg but my favorite place remains Carteret. For the beauty of the place and because we spent time there with my family. My children, during the holidays, loved lighting the lighthouse. We went up to activate the start button on the lantern, which was slowly heating up, then we quickly went back down, just in time to see the line of light appear.

Discover Jean's testimony in the Tour d'Horizon series


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Félix Mazereau, passionate about 20th century furniture

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Jean Leparmentier, a child of a lighthouse keeper

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Discover more

The harbor and estuary of Barneville-Carteret

Natural heritage

The harbor and estuary of Barneville-Carteret


Carteret Lighthouse

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Carteret Lighthouse



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