Following Brexit, France is positioning itself as Ireland's closest neighbor in the European Union, the Cotentin and more particularly the port of Cherbourg is positioning itself as a gateway to the EU.

This geographical location generates unprecedented ferry traffic between Cherbourg and Ireland with no less than 12 rotations per week on average in 2021 and a freight volume multiplied by 3 compared to 2019.

3 companies currently share the market: Stena Line, Brittany Ferries and Irish Ferries.

The year 2023 promises to be exceptional in Cherbourg with more than 1000 ferry stops planned (all lines combined).

In this context, many local actors (Normandy Regional Tourism Committee, Channel Attitude, Agglomeration Le Cotentin, town of Cherbourg in Cotentin, Cotentin Tourist Office) are interested in Ireland and wish to take advantage of the opportunity represented by cross-Channel traffic to act in their respective areas of expertise.

Until now, everyone has organized actions without real consultation and with limited impact. This is why the moment seems opportune to unite our efforts and mobilize the key forces of the territory on a common action with high political stakes for greater visibility.

The Cotentin Tourist Office is participating in the Normandy Food Tour – from June 3 to 5, 2023.

The promotion of Normandy in Ireland was at the heart of discussions last February during a trip by elected officials and officials.

It was therefore decided, encouraged by the success of the first Normandy Food Tour in the United Kingdom in 2022, that Normandie Tourisme organizes a new edition of this surprising cocktail of gastronomy and pop rock between June 3 and 5 in the cities of Dublin, Kilkenny and New Ross.

The Normandy Food Tour in Ireland aims to strengthen Norman ties with Ireland, particularly the south-east of the country where the population is increasingly claiming its Norman roots.

Cotentin will therefore be in the spotlight, represented by its emblematic products:
The Sainte-Mère-Eglise Biscuit
Amer workers
Lait Douceur de Normandie
Cotentin AOP Cider


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