Cotentin Fort dreamer and the maids named Patrick

The Press and Communication Club of Normandy is organizing Tuesday, November 28, 2023 in Le Havre, the awards ceremony for the eighth edition of the Communication and Press Trophies in Normandy.

Thirteen categories are open to applications from all communicators and journalists in Normandy, seven in communications and six for the press.

Cotentin Fort Rêveur was nominated in the audiovisual category.

The Cotentin Tourist Office wishes to increase the region's notoriety on the seasonal wings and outside the coast by promoting the assets of its territory and its art of living with the aim of increasing its economic benefits. Its assets are the large preserved natural spaces which make it a place conducive to active green and blue leisure activities, an important built, industrial and exceptional gastronomic heritage.

With the aim of presenting a “secret” Cotentin by promoting the interior and expanding tourist flows on the seasonal wings, the Tourist Office has therefore imagined a new format, inspired by a television magazine, offering several reports and an on-set presentation.

The name of the news, Cotentin Strong dreamer meets the spirit of the “Cotentin Unique par Nature” brand. Indeed, in this magazine, the Tourist Office seeks to show the unique, authentic and natural character of the destination, a discovery of a preserved, powerful, exotic nature, the discovery of exceptional historical heritage, of a vast history and rich and the highlighting of unique know-how.

Les bonnes Patrick were nominated in the digital category.

“The good Patricks hiking in Cotentin” : a series of short videos broadcast on social networks and on the Tourist Office website! The Cotentin Tourist Office came up with this concept to educate users of hiking trails about good hiking practices in an entertaining and engaging way.

In order to meet the ambitions of the Cotentin Agglomeration to become a recognized destination for all hiking practices, a hiking development plan (hiking, cycling, equestrian) was launched at the end of 2020 by the Cotentin Tourist Office.

As part of this plan, the Tourist Office wanted to make trail users aware of the fundamental principles of hiking. The idea of ​​a series of offbeat short videos was thus imagined by the roaming and hiking team, and the e.tourism service.


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