
Sainte-Mère-Eglise JeepTours

– 2 rue de l’Eglise


Embark aboard real jeeps from the Second World War for an immersive experience on the emblematic sites of the Battle of Normandy.
Based in Sainte-Mère-Église, I invite you to explore the drop zones of the 101st and 82nd airborne divisions, to relive the crash of Thomas Meehan's C-47, made famous by the television series “Frères d'Armes” ( Band of Brothers), and to explore the marshes of the Norman bocage to the famous Utah Beach.

Semi-Night Jeep Tours 1h15: departure from the Place de Sainte-Mère-Église at nightfall, return in total darkness, as when the Allies arrived on the beaches and in the air D-Day June 6, 1944 : 120€.

Jeep Tours 2 hours: journey in the heroic footsteps of the paratroopers of the 101st Airborne: €170.

Jeep Tours 3 hours: explore the bunkers of the Atlantic Wall, silent witnesses of a bygone era, for an immersive, captivating and moving experience: €240.

Jeep Tours 4 hours: extend this unique experience by walking along Utah Beach and discover Eisenhower's HQ in Carquebut within the Collins Museum: €300.

All prices are per jeep, 3 people maximum per jeep, group possibility.
Personalized tour on request via the website >


2 Church Street
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