For several years, due to erosion in the area, the route to the Redoute de Morsalines had to be done via the beach, and was in fact impossible at high tide.

Le GR®223, managed by the French Hiking FederationHe bypassed the area by passing a few hundred meters inland, on the heights of Morsalines.

Following discussions between the owners, operators, State services (DDTM), the Project Owner (CA du Cotentin) and the commune of Quettehou, a route was able to be defined in the agricultural plots on along the coast to enforce the SPPL.

Passages were reopened over more than 350 meters through the vegetation which had spread to the edges of the plot. To preserve agricultural grazing and cultivation activities and secure hikers, 100 m of fences, 2 staircases, 3 chicanes and 1 gate have been installed.

In this way, the coastal path becomes continuous again until the hamlet of Rivage in Quettehou.

Subject to validation by the French Hiking Federation, the section will be used this July by the GR®223 which has modified its route at Morsalines.

Wednesday July 6, David MARGUERITTE, President of the Cotentin conurbation and CEO of the Cotentin Tourist Office presented the inauguration of the section, alongside Odile THOMINET, VP in charge of promoting heritage and tourist and leisure facilities, and Jean-Pierre LEMYRE, Mayor of Quettehou and President of the Val de Saire Territorial Commission. Brigitte LEGER-LEPAYSANT represented the Department, co-financer of the project. Mrs Elisabeth CASTELLOTTI, sub-prefect of Cherbourg was present as well as the CEREMA, co-financing for the system France sea view.

A highlight “France sea view” was unveiled during the inauguration, with a view of Fort de la Hougue.

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