The pinched people of Cotentin confide in us their attachment to their native or adopted Cotentin. They tell us about their journey, revealing their secret garden and their favorites. 

Navigators, musicians, creators, cooks, athletes and artists of all kinds or simple residents... Regularly find the secrets of these ambassadors women in love with Cotentin.

Our Pincés du Cotentin share their visceral attachment to this exceptional land through captivating interviews and podcasts. They reveal their journeys, their anecdotes and their secrets, thus taking you into the intimacy of their link with the Cotentin.

Come explore their favorites, these places that left their mark, these magical moments that make their hearts beat to the rhythm of the region. They will show you their secret garden, these preserved and little-known places that are so dear to them.

These sincere and passionate stories will immerse you in the soul of Cotentin, making you vibrate throughout their adventures. Whether they are artists, artisans, gourmets, nature or heritage lovers, their voices will be invitations to escape and discovery.

Follow our Pincés du Cotentin through their passions and unique experiences. Subscribe to our podcast channel so you don't miss any upcoming interviews and stories. You will experience a deep and authentic immersion in the heart of our territory, through the words and emotions of those who cherish it the most.

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