Internship offer

The Cotentin Tourist Development SPL manages the Cotentin Tourist Office and carries out the tourism development, attractiveness and territorial marketing strategy.

Equipped with its 7 Tourist Information Offices and its 6 services, a team of more than 50 employees is waiting for you!


In this context, and in order to participate in various tourism development projects, the Promotion and Marketing department team, working in particular on business, group and individual tourism, the entertainment ticketing boutique and the Cruise, is looking for a ) Assistant tourism mission manager to carry out the following missions:

  • Ensure the coordination, preparation and reception of cruise stopovers (public: Germans, English and Americans);
  • Establish and participate in project monitoring: promotional campaigns, professional events and travel;
  • Manage the administrative monitoring of the various operations.


  • Level : BAC + 2
  • Valued skills : mastery of Pack Office, mastery of English (second foreign language appreciated), writing skills, analysis and synthesis skills.
  • Qualities : Curiosity, strength of proposal, autonomy, rigor, flexibility and relational skills.
  • Internship to be filled: 2 to 3 months
  • Full time (according to university calendar)
  • Submission of applications (CV and cover letter) before 30/01/2023 at

Madam Director / SPL de Développement Touristique du Cotentin / 39 rue des Portes / 50100 Cherbourg-en-Cotentin

Do you see yourself 100% in this description? Are you dynamic and ready to join the Tourist Office team?


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