Since the 1er January 2018, the Cotentin urban community collects tourist tax on all accommodation in its territory. Any person coming to stay in accommodation on the territory of the urban area must pay this to their host.


The tourist tax is a French tax requested by municipalities with a vocation
tourist or Public Intercommunal Cooperation Establishments (EPCI)
such as the Urban Community, with their holiday residents.

Browse the document below to learn more

The rates and terms of application of this tax.

Below you will find the updated price posters, which you will want to display visibly in your accommodation. We remind you that this display is a regulatory obligation.

In addition, the Cotentin Tourist Office can provide you with additional posters, do not hesitate to request them from our services.

Practical guides from the host

If your accommodation is classified, the tourist tax applies according to:

With a fixed price

If your accommodation is not classified, the tourist tax applies according to:

With a variable price

Host guides

With classified accommodation:

With a fixed price

With unclassified accommodation:

With a variable price

Find all the information on the tourist tax, the additional tax, the rights and obligations regarding tourist tax, calculation of this tax and how to declare your overnight stays…. connect to

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