With more than 3,4 million tourists and 5,9 million excursionists, 2022 will have been an exceptional year for Cotentin.
As you will read in this activity report, all indicators are improving compared to 2019, the reference year so far.
You will see that the SPL continued its action in 2022 to:

  • Observe and analyze tourism trends based on international and national studies and also by being in proximity with socio-professionals,
  • Coordinate and structure, with elected officials, professionals, residents, the hiking and boating sectors, cruising, equipped vehicles, links with Ireland, the quality of hospitality in Cotentin,
  • Promote our natural, built, historical and gastronomic heritage,
  • Support and inform in phygital by offering an experience, and related services, personalized for each and everyone.

Quality is at the heart of our concerns, as is a successful “customer experience”. Our ambition is to continue to carry out structuring projects together in the service of sustainable growth to enable Cotentin to continue its development of selected, efficient tourism, and resolutely in line with the expectations of its visitors and residents.

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