Kitchen type
- Traditional french cuisine
Culinary specialties
- Traditional cuisine
The Cotentin Tourist Office has listed the Les Ecuries establishment for you among a complete list of restaurants in Sainte-Mere-Eglise.
On our site, you will find all the information to organize your stay at Sainte-Mere-Eglise : restaurants, activities, museums, etc.
All the equipments
- Bar
- Garden
- Booster seat
- Terrace Area
- Downtown
Payment method
- Payment cards
- Cash
- Contactless payment
- Restaurant tickets, dining chits, meal tickets
Frequently Asked Questions
Does this restaurant have parking?
No, Les Ecuries does not have private parking
Does Les Ecuries provide access for people with reduced mobility?
Les Ecuries has not provided any information about its accessibility for people with reduced mobility. For more information, contact the establishment directly to discuss.
Does Les Ecuries accept restaurant vouchers?
Yes, Les Ecuries accepts restaurant vouchers as well as: Payment cards, Cash, Contactless payment, Restaurant vouchers
Does this restaurant have a terrace?
Yes, Les Ecuries has a terrace.
What is the capacity of the restaurant?
The restaurant has 1 room(s) and has a capacity of 45 seats