The third quarter of 2024 was a sporty one for the CKMNC. Between the organization of the Ocean Racing des Vikings (N1 race which brought together nearly 300 athletes), the successful participation in the Fort Boyard Challenge (one of the largest pirogue races in Europe), the participation in the 2024 World Championships and the participation in the 2024 French Ocean Racing Championships, our Norman paddlers covered kilometers on the roads as well as on the water. A look back at these 4 events…

It was September 14 and 15, 2024. The CKMNC welcomed 278 participants over 2 days of competition on the Cherbourg en Cotentin waters. 8 regions, 17 departments, 28 clubs…
Figures that demonstrate that this event is ranked among the benchmark events in the national world of paddling but it is also an important event for nautical sports in the Cotentin. On the sporting side, the competitors competed in 3 races: a 15 km course for single-seaters on Saturday morning, a 5 km sprint course on Saturday afternoon and a 17 km crew boat course on Sunday morning. Enough to allow the athletes to have their sports ratio!

If there is one race not to be missed for competitive pirogueing, it is the Fort Boyard Challenge. It is a 2-stage race (22km on Saturday and 27km on Sunday) at the mouth of the Charente.
The CKMNC was present on September 28 and 29 to participate. It was a first for the Cherbourg club with a men's team and a women's team entered. Our two teams of 9 athletes each (6 paddlers per event) prepared for this event somewhat blindly and came back with great performances. The CKMNC-CMN men's pirogue (named after the majority partner for financing the boat) won the competition in the general ranking (cumulative races) by placing 2nd on each event. The CKMNC mixed canoe finished 6thnd in its category. Great performances for a first at this event. And with the tour of the famous Fort Boyard to take nothing away from the pleasure.
- V6 men CKMNC-CMN: Jean-Baptiste HERPERS (athlete “Espoir Terre Bleue le Cotentin”), David LAROSE, Aymerick RIGUET, Gabriel VOISIN, Maxime HERPERS, Éric BERTIN, David SZLACHTA
- Mixed V6 CKMNC: Isabelle VIVIER, Coraline LEMAGNEN, Géraldine COLLOREC, Léo PAQUEREAU-LAISNE, Jean-Marie LESDOS, Alain BOTTEY, Éric GERARD

400 competitors, 35 nations, 24 km of course. These are the conditions with which the CKMNC athletes had to deal. 7 Normans were present at this event.
Everyone came back with a great sporting experience.
The course surprised with almost 12 km (out of 21 km in total) with a headwind and a light head current. Enough to reshuffle the cards with a second part much more physical than technical. Romane and Aloïs ranked on a good half of the table in their category. As did Jean-Baptiste. It is not for nothing that these 3 athletes are part of the collective "Terre Bleue Cotentin". Let's follow them closely.
- PENVERN Romane - 9nd in SS1WU18
- SOUILLART Alois - 27nd in SS1MU18
- LAISNE Léo PAQUEREAU - 26nd in SS1MU18
- HERPERS Jean-Baptiste - 14nd in SS1MU23
- RIGUET Aymerick - 47nd in SS1MS
- SZLACHTA David - 26nd in SS1MS
- HERVEET Ronan - 9nd in SS1M65+

The French championships took place from October 31 to November 4 in Saint-Georges-de-Didonne. The Normans came out with the honors of this week of competition. 4 days of competition, and for some 5 cumulative races with sometimes 2 times 17km in the day. A format that gives all its meaning to the term endurance.
The results
In terms of sporting results, we can note 6 medals for the CKMNC
The 2024 Normandy gold medals:

- Isabelle VIVIER – in SS1DM
- Romane PENVERN – in SS1DU18 – Athlete “Collectif Terre Bleue Cotentin”
- Eric BERTIN – in OC1H (short race)
The 2024 Normandy silver medals:

- Eric BERTIN – in OC1H (long race)
- David SZLACHTA- in SS1HM
- Maxime/HERPERS Jean-Baptiste (Athlete “Collectif Terre Bleue Cotentin”
- STEPHAN Gwendal – in V6U23
Many other great performances, close to the podiums, suggest that the average level of CKMNC sportsmen and women has increased. Note that the CKMNC-CMN men's V6 finished 5thnd 30 seconds from the podium. The mixed V6 finishes 4thnd 30 seconds from the podium. A potential to exploit.
And so in general... Well yes!! The CKMNC retains its title of club champion in the national ranking for the 3nd consecutive year! It allows the Department of Manche and the Normandy Region to take the 2nd place in their respective rankings. Congratulations to all this motivated and determined team.
Take a 1 month rest before getting back into paddling for the 2025 competitions.