Treasures in France

The aim of the trip to the Cotentin was above all to discover a little piece of elsewhere in France, to travel without moving the borders.

Valentine aka Valootre is a content creator and videographer specializing in motorcycles and has created a series, Treasures in France, to promote “motorcycle tourism”, a concept identical to cycle tourism, but adapted to two motorized wheels. 

Motorcycling is above all a story of passion, it is a way to ride in complete freedom, with easier stops and the pleasure of feeling: feeling the road, feeling smells, the wind... Valentin set out to create several videos on places in France that are not widely visited by motorbike to promote them.

Valentin wanted to promote Cotentin, by discovering little French Ireland. His journey lasted 3 days, spread on 400 km of roads between Sainte-Marie-du-Mont, Barfleur and La Hague.

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