Stéphanie Lehodey discovered surfing four years ago. A revelation for her and her entire tribe!

How did you get started?

Thanks to Basile Pinel, a friend, native of Sciotot, manufacturer of custom surfboards.

I was convinced that I wasn't going to hang on. I like water, but not more than that. Ultimately, I was won over from the first time!

So much so that your enthusiasm has made your children decide to do like you?

Jules, 20, Martin, 16, and my 12-year-old twins, Lily and Rose, never miss an opportunity to surf. We practice all year round in Sciotot, Siouville or at Brick Cove depending on the winds and the tidal coefficient. It's a sport for the whole family and remains completely affordable.

Yes, but it’s a physical sport all the same!

Oh yes, especially in winter. Two hours spent in 12 degree water and good waves, it's physical, enduring, we come out "rinsed" but so good. From now on, I would be unable to do without this activity, which has become essential to my balance.

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