22 June 23 June 2024

1,5 € to 3,50 €

On the occasion of the European Mill and Mill Heritage Days and the 27th edition of the National Country and Mill Heritage Days, the 3 Cotentin mills open their doors on May 18 and 19 and June 22 and 23 for days exceptional entertainment.

Water or wind, they reflect an extraordinary ancestral heritage put into service just for you! There are three mills that you can visit in Cotentin. All open their doors for visits, with different activities. You will have the pleasure of seeing their wheels or their wings operate, which will take you on a journey through time.

browse the program

the 3 mills of cotentin

Marie Ravenel water mill

Marie Ravenel was born at the Coudrairie mill on August 21, 1811, to a miller father and a spinner mother. Little girl, she develops abilities
above average intellectuals. She became a recognized voice of poetry. Today, the visit of mill allows you to immerse yourself in an era, the rotating millstone, the ticking of the bulletin board, the power of the gears, the smell of flour, the bucket wheel.

Program of the Moulins days at the Marie Ravenel water mill

Saturday from 13:30 a.m. to 18 p.m. :

  • Sale of pancakes

Sunday from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 13:30 p.m. to 18 p.m. :

  • Morning: Multisensory visit 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
  • In the afternoon: Sale of pancakes

Saturday June 22 and Sunday June 23 :

  • Free visit all day

Practical information

Marie Ravenel's water mill
Vicq-sur-Mer – 02 33 54 56 18

  • Multisensory visit
  • Free tour
  • €2 – from 6 years old.

Cotentin windmill

The Cotentin Windmill dates from 1744 and was renovated in 1997 by the Community of Communes of Port-Bail. It is one of the few mills still in operation and grinds wheat, buckwheat and spelled. You will appreciate the magnificent barn which houses the local products shop, and frequent activities for children. Located at an altitude of 100 m, the site offers you an exceptional panorama of the Normandy countryside.

Program of the Moulins days at the Moulin à Vent du Cotentin

Saturday June 22 and Sunday June 23 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 13:30 p.m. to 18 p.m. :

  • Guided tours
  • Workshops of small millers
  • Giant wooden games
  • Outdoor exhibition

practical information

Cotentin windmill
Fierville-les-Mines – 02 33 53 38 04


Guided tours of the mill in operation (On reservation)

  • 14:00 p.m. – 15:00 p.m. – 16:00 p.m. – 17:00 p.m.
  • Duration: 30 to 40 minutes
  • €3,50 for over 26s
  • €1,50 from 6 to 25 years old.

The workshops of small millers

  • Making flour from wheat grains
  • Free – from 3 years old.

bellefontaine water mill

The Bellefontaine water mill ran until 1914. It retained its entire wooden mechanism without any metal parts. The building has not undergone any modifications since the 1700s.

Program of the Moulins days at the Bellefontaine water mill

Saturday May 22 and Sunday May 23 from 13:30 p.m. to 18:30 p.m. :

  •  Guided tours (musician and storyteller in patois)

practical information

Bellefontaine water mill in Grosville

  • Free

The Land of Art and History of Clos du Cotentin is organizing a guided tour on June 23

The mills of Négreville and Étang-Bertrand

In the Middle Ages, Étang-Bertrand had fairs and shops and brought together mills and craft activities near the large bridge crossing the Ouve river. The visit will allow you to discuss the fisheries and tanneries which were associated with this beautiful medieval work. Then visitors will return to their vehicles to head towards Négreville.
Located halfway between Valognes and Bricquebec, Négreville once constituted a road stop between these two towns. Near its large stone bridge spanning the river Ouve, there was once an inn and the Saint-Clair fairs were held there every year, renowned for their rentals of agricultural staff. The importance of the hydraulic network irrigating the town allowed the installation of numerous mills, including the famous Moulin de la Ville recently restored which will welcome visitors, to close the excursion.

practical information

Guided tour through the land of art and history of Clos du Cotentin

  • Meeting point: Étang-Bertrand Town Hall
  • June 23 at 15 p.m. (duration 2h30)
  • Price: €4 per adult – €2 for students or job seekers
    and free for under 18s
  • Travel in individual vehicles between sites


Discover the curious little ones of the Cotentin special mills

A fun way to discover these 3 active mills.
From 6 to 12 years old, on sale in our mills: €2.

Visit these mills differently thanks to Geocaching!
Download the Geocaching app and go on an adventure
looking for little treasures around the mills.

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