The port of port-bail-sur-mer nominated

The magazine Sailing Today appointed the port of Port-bail-sur-Mer as Marina of the Year 2023 for the British Yachting Awards 2023 which will take place at the Royal Thames Yacht Club on Monday 27 November.

You can vote online until November 12 to elect the port of Port-Bail-sur-Mer.

You need to go to the site by clicking below: 

You click on VOTE NOW and scroll down!

  • Choose Port-Bail in the Marina of the Year category.
  • Then, you mention your name, first name and email address.
  • In the country tab, you choose Rest of the world.

At the end of your vote, you will receive a confirmation email

Thank you and don’t hesitate to pass on the information!

We regret to inform you that the result is now known, and unfortunately, Port-Bail-sur-Mer was not elected Marina of the Year 2023. This is the Océan Village marina.


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