The program Echappées belles sur le Cotentin is presented with these terms: “Shared between sea, marshes and countryside, the Cotentin is this “horn” on the map of France, a peninsula on the borders of Normandy which sinks into the Channel. At the tip of the Hague, the vertiginous cliffs alternate with small sandy beaches. In the hinterland, the horse is king. Finally, on dry land, the Cotentin can also be discovered through the city, notably Cherbourg, with its unmissable military past.”

It is off the coast of Cotentin, aboard the Neire Maove that the host, Sophie Jovillard begins her journey.

Saturday March 21, 2020, France 5 broadcast the program Echappées Belles dedicated to Cotentin. this magazine offers listeners 90 minutes of meetings and discoveries.

Sophie Jovillard came to discover in a few days the most beautiful faces of the Cotentin, these lovers of the Cotentin guided her between land and sea.

We welcomed Sophie and her team in May 2019, find some excerpts from the show below.

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