Zoom: the charm of Cotentin

It is nicknamed Little Ireland. With its endless beaches, its sheep raised freely on the Landes and its granite coast swept by sea spray, the Cotentin offers landscapes that are just as wild. We live there from the sea but also from the land. A daily life punctuated by the tides. Twice a day, this coming and going connects men to the elements. The coastal tour begins in the seaside resort of Barneville-Carteret. From the foot of its lighthouse, you can clearly measure the magnitude of the tides. They are among the strongest in Europe, with seas that recede up to ten kilometers. In the moors of Vauville, Bruno Paysant has chosen to maintain breeds of animals that have always lived in this territory, such as road goats. Adapted to steep seaside terrain, livestock farms are part of the Cotentin landscape. They also make it possible to maintain protected areas. The port of Goury, meanwhile, is famous for its 150-year-old lifeboat station. It is the only station in France to have a double launching system. How do fishermen work on this famously dangerous coast?

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